Blocked !

4:06 PM

Soooo... the Toronto District School Board blocked the students' access to Instagram, Snapchat and Netflix since their networks could not handle it.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Internet is a one heck of a blessing to all dem students, including me of course, because it helps us get our work easily done. We don't have to go to the library just to access information we need for that darn assignment. We can just type a question and google and BAM! The answer is right in front of ya. . . . I lied . . . Sometimes it's not. It's sometimes a struggle to go through 5 pages of google to find information. 

Students should be allowed to access sites and services that are purely recreational. I mean, school is just so stressful and it puts way too much pressure on us. These apps help us relax and chill for a while. For me, it makes school a bit bearable to me. Students and teachers can't work or study all the time. We need some alone time and take care of our happiness too!!! -cough- units make me cri -cough- I totally understand the "distraction" part that these apps give students. I admit I get distracted too. But who doesn't? 

I think there would be no change even if all those apps and services and sites were to be blocked by our school board. They already blocked SNAPCHAT and FACEBOOK too, but students still find a way to access these apps. Anything is possible :-D

After reading the article, I found one comment that says, "why do students even have access to the schools wifi...?" Well, this is a generation that has access to technologies that help us get our work done easily. Wifi helps us understand things when teachers don't explain things properly. Wifi helps us have fun with friends; We can share funny pictures such as "memes". Wifi is really beneficial to everyone. 

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