
Kids and Video Games

6:44 AM

Well, an 11 year old kid took their parents' car just to experience the feeling of driving... and it's all because after playing the video game called, Grand Theft Auto or also known GTA. I guess that's just what video games does to kids ¯\_( ツ)_/¯ It also is not that kind of unexpected because children are easily influenced and they pretty much copy everything. PLUS, where are the parents when this happened? Why did the parents let the kid drive their car in the HIGHWAY too! How does this child even know where the keys are? How does he know how to start the engine? How? Where? What the? SO MANY QUESTIONS ON MY MIND!! 

(Source: video-game-gta-getty.jpg)

Oh how I wish my little brother does not get this crazy idea of driving our parents' car. If he does, he probably won't live to see tomorrow, LOL. 

Anyway, video games are fun. No doubt. Like even I admit that it's really fun since I've played some with my siblings. BUT, I didn't do something reckless like driving my parents' car, because my parents actually checked the video games before buying it. BUT, I also can't deny how much I love this game called, TEKKEN, and how I actually tried to copy the characters' moves, LOL. Good old times. 

But moving on, video games have pretty much had a positive impact on my life I guess. It's become one of the reasons I can have fun with my loved ones. It has also put me at ease when I am stressed out with school -cough- units -cough-. Video games have also taught me to keep on trying until I win; It has tested my patience a lot times.  I think the only negative impact it has on my life are the "up-all-nights" trying to finish the game because you just it's just way too fun and intriguing. 

I think that video games aren't really that bad. Unless you actually let it control your life fully. You just gotta learn how to balance video games and reality. I know that for some people it's hard to resist the temptation of playing video games all day, but you gotta live yo life too bro. Y.O.L.O. :-D 

pease out. 

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  1. I agree that the parents and not the child is mostly to blame for this. The child must've learned to drive the car from his parents, though no one is at fault concerning that. The parents could have taken many steps to prevent this, including buying video games rated appropriately for their children, ensuring that children are out of reach from things such as car keys, or talking to their child regularly about his thoughts. It definitely was preventable, but seeing that no one was hurt, we can all just look at this as a learning lesson for everyone.


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