Hey! Don't Meme Me!
11:35 AMWell, someone wants to sue websites or publications that makes fun of his hairstyle. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
One teenager in Australia is suing 3 media outlets that posted "memes" of him. Well, what is a meme?A 'meme' is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol or social idea.
-Paul Gil
Memes are really popular nowadays.
The majority of modern memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, often as a way to publicly ridicule human behavior. Other memes can be videos and verbal expressions. Some memes have heavier and more philosophical content.
The world of memes (which rhymes with 'teams') is noteworthy for two reasons: it is a worldwide social phenomenon, and memes behave like a mass of infectious flu and cold viruses, traveling from person to person quickly through social media.
According to Cecil Adams of theStraightDope.com, the concept of memes "is either really deep, or really, really obvious".
The majority of internet memes are transmitted by 20-something millennials. This is because that age group is hyperconnected and enamored with social media.
Anyways, I think that he does have the right to sue different media outlets. He was FURIOUS when he found out that his face is suddenly all over the web, which technically means that they did not have his permission to post his photo. If I were in his shoes, I'd be a little mad I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean it is my face and I do have the right to be mad. But I really wouldn't sue the social media, I would just laugh it off with my friends and I'd be happy that I made people laugh. At least, I made some people happy for like 30 seconds, LOL. But yeah, that's just me. The majority of internet memes are transmitted by 20-something millennials. This is because that age group is hyperconnected and enamored with social media.
Pease out.
I agree!!